YAI - Training


Yachting Association of India aims to provide the highest standard of training at every Yachting Association of Inda's Training Centre (YAITC). To assist you as a learner, in having the most effective and enjoyable learning experience, Yachting Association of India aims to achieve the following goals:

Proven Content and Syllabus
All YAITCs teach the Yachting Association of India's Training Schemes. The Schemes are reviewed in consultation with current instructors to ensure the most up-to-date information and techniques are taught. As the Schemes are reviewed, regulatory requirements are also addressed to ensure the Schemes meet national legislation.
Quality Instruction

All Yachting Association of India's qualified Instructors have been assessed for competence to deliver training. Yachting Association of India's Instructors are experienced and certified within the Schemes that they instruct. These instructors also meet the Yachting Association of India's standards for duty of care, knowledge, safety and teaching ability. Their qualifications are up-to-date and they instruct using modern teaching methods.


YAITCs comply with national standards to ensure the safety of all participants.

Quality Equipment

YAITCs ensure appropriate equipment is used, including boats and personal floatation devices, to maximise your learning, safety and enjoyment.

Professional Service
YAITCs are committed to providing you with the most positive boating experience possible, both on and off the water. When you are looking for boating training, look for the YAITC logo.